【同义词辨析】 2018-06-14 律师lawyer-solicitor

lawyer: applies to anyone versed in the principles of law and authorized to practice law in courts OR act as agent or adviser: the best defense ~ in town. (defense辩护)

counselor: applies to one who accepts court cases and gives advice on legal problems: met with their legal ~. (还表示辅导员、顾问、领事,如student ~

barrister: the British equivalent of counselor, emphasizes court pleading which in English practice is permitted in higher courts only to barristers: ~s before the bench in wigs and robes. bench椅子,这里是法官

counsel: can be equivalent to counselor, but is typically used collectively to designate a group of lawyers acting for a legal cause in court: ~ for the prosecution.

advocate: is similar in implication to counselor and barrister, but it is used chiefly in countries such as Scotland where the legal system is based on Roman law: acted as ~ in the trial.

attorney: is often used interchangeably with lawyer, but in precise use it denotes a lawyer who acts as a legal agent for a client in such matters as conveying property, settling wills, or defending or prosecuting a civil law case: ~ for the deceased.

solicitor: is the British term corresponding to attorney with, however, emphasis on the transaction of legal business for a client as distinct from actual court pleading: send his ~ to negotiate on his behalf.

lawyer律师: 任何熟悉并授权从事法律的人,无论出庭代理顾问,counselor出庭律师: 专指出庭的律师(如费城故事里的miller庭审或叫出庭律师(trial lawyer),称呼"good morning, counselor",barrister: 同上,英国英语,counsel:出庭律师,advocate也是出庭律师: 用于罗马法系国家(也叫civil law民法法系大陆法系,强调法典不承认判例,主要有中德法日,对应于英美法系common law,attorney: 有时泛指律师(如美国司法部长正式名称是~ general(AG), 英国叫总检察长),但准确说是财产遗嘱等民事代理律师, solicitor:同上,英国英语。

记忆方法: 1)首字母LCBCAAS排序成AS ALawyer, ChuBuChu作为一名律师出不出庭<==律师分两类(2345一类67一类,根据出不出庭)


        3)律师的意思是授权从事法律的人mean one authorized to practice law.